Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Checking In

I'm feeling particularly annoyed today--this week in fact. I think it's due to exhaustion. The more hectic schedule daughter has, the more exhausted I become. (Cheerleading and drama suck away time in a big way!) Almost 43 year olds have a hard time keeping up with almost 15 year olds. *sigh* It's hell getting "old."

The only knitting I've been up to lately is wash cloths. I finished off a Hello Kitty wash cloth earlier in the week but need to block it a tiny bit. Hello Kitty's little cheeks aren't showing as well as they could, so I dare not photograph her yet. I'm currently making a spiraling circular cloth and praying that I have enough yarn (maybe half a ball?). I love the pattern--short rows which are tons of fun. Wash cloths are a nice diversion while I figure out the next big project.

We are fast approaching Family Birthday Week here. I start things off next Thursday, then husband and daughter pick it up within a few days. In less than 7 days time, all three of us have our birthday. No, we did not plan it that way. Husband has gotten his b-day present, and it was delivered yesterday. It's very big and something he's wanted almost his entire life. I'll try to get a picture of it tomorrow. My gift arrived today, but I am not going to open the box until next week. I know what it is (helped pick it out) but needs to wait.

Now daughter....what do you give the kid who has everything?? The BIG deal for her this year is that she can take the exam for her driver's permit. Winter break starts the day after her birthday, so I've taken off a couple of days so that I'm available to take her out driving. We're also planning a birthday party for her--just a few friends, both boys and girls. That should be fun.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Remember Me?

I've had very little time or inclination to blog lately. Work has been busy; life has been busy. I have one finished object but no photo yet. I finished up the Naughty/Nice scarf for my brother on Sunday evening. I just need to pack it up and drop it in the mail to him. He should be pleased with the scarf. It turned out great.

I'm working on a Wonderful Wallaby for daughter but without the pocket. What woman (even a gorgeous almost 15 year old slim and trim woman) really needs a belly pouch? I will keep the hoody as those are particularly appealing to the young and the young at heart.

I've also started Si Capitan, a great hat pattern by Rosi G. The only chunky yarn in my stash was a wool yarn, but it seems to be working just fine--not too scratch. I was on a business trip earlier in the week, and this was my travel knitting.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

All the cool kids are doing it, "it" being Weight Watchers. Beverly is my only blogging friend who I'm aware is on WW, but I also have two good friends at work who are doing WW. I started today. I'm going it on my own without meetings. The closest meeting is probably 20 minutes away, and I just can't see myself being faithful in meeting attendance. I'm not a "joiner" anyway. So far today, I've done pretty well and still have about 7 points to eat before I reach my daily limit. That's pretty good. The Curves diet last year made me more aware of food, and that's helping me make choices with WW. However, the Curves diet was very restrictive. I didn't learn how to eat because it was very regimented. WW seems more like a lifestyle change, and that's what I'm looking for. Wish me luck.

I hope knitting content and photos will return to the blog this week. I'm not feeling well, so no promises! The Naughty/Nice scarf is still in progress, but I'm heading into the home stretch of the second chart for the second half of the scarf. Just one more chart to go after that. I really wish this was finished and around my brother's neck given the cold snap we're having. Oh good time.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Natural Stash Enhancement

*happy whistling tune filters through the air a la "Smiling Bob"*

I enhanced my stash this past weekend at Hook 'n Needles semi-annual "everything in the store is on sale" sale.

I simply could not resist the Fiesta Yarns La Luz--especially since it was 35% off. This is 100% spun mulberry silk and it is to die for! The color is called Vintage Rose, and I have 660 yards of this yummy stuff. I think it may become the Fibertrends Spinner's Shawl.

Daughter had been wanting black fingerless mitts, and we finally found black yarn that was as soft as she wanted and appropriate for the pattern she wanted. This is Louisa Harding Grace Silk and Wool and it's 50% merino wool 50% silk. It is heavenly and will make a lovely pair of Fetching.

My other acquisitions were patterns. I picked up Fibertrends new Angel Lace Shawl and Knitting Pure and Simple V Neck Down Cardigan for Women #994.

I'd started the Central Park Hoodie for daughter, but there were a few too many complaints for my liking posted to Ravelry about mistakes in the pattern. I decided instead to go with Bonne Maries' pattern Twist. You just can't go wrong with one of her patterns! I am hoping to cast on for this sweater over the weekend. I need to make significantly more progress on the Naughty/Nice scarf first.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Works in Progress

Fetching has become my "mindless knitting." This is my 4th pair in less than a month. These are not finished yet; I still have the thumbs to work on both mitts. I've given away two pairs (before getting photos); daughter is in possession of the original pair; and this one is all mine. I used Encore for this pair. The yarn was left over from a pair made for my grandmother. (She, who never likes ANYTHING, loved her Fetchings!)

This is the first pair of Fetching that I've made strictly by the pattern. The other three were all made longer in the finger portion, and Grandma's were knit plain in the palm rather than K4 P1 ribbed. I used the pattern recommended Debbie Bliss yarn for daughter's mitts, but opted for machine washable Encore for the others.

My other current work in progress is the Naughty and Nice Scarf from Debbie Stoller's Son of Stitch 'n Bitch. This is a (late) Christmas gift for my brother. Can you see the dancing lady?

How about now?

This scarf is made in two halves that are then joined using a 3-needle bind off. I've completed the first half and am about 1/3 of the way into the second half. This is an easy knit, and the charts are very easy to follow.

We made a trip to Columbia over the weekend to take advantage of Hook 'n Needle's semi-annual sale. We did not run rampant in our shopping, surprisingly. I'll share pictures of newly acquired stash later in the week. We were pleasantly surprised to run into Kat and Beverly and her mom at the store.

We also managed to stop by In the Loop but weren't really able to do a lot of looking around. They were having a class, and it was hard to get to the yarn for all the students gathered around learning fair isle. From what I could tell, the store carries some nice things.

Daughter is quite artistic, but not in love with the fiber arts the way husband and I are. We wanted this outing to be fun for everyone, so we took her to her version of heaven--City Art. She gave the store the ultimate compliment--it's as good as Ex Libris in Savannah, and closer! Her only complaint is that we were in Dad's tiny car and unable to buy any of the very large canvases she wanted. She still made out pretty well with two 12 X 12 canvases (these have a thick edge, and that is apparently important), a tube of acrylic paint, a package of oil pastels, some large sheets of drawing paper, and a very snazzy wood box/easel combination to store her acrylics and brushes.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

SAFF Project: Complete

We were presented a challenge at Ravelry--knit something with your SAFF 2007 purchase. I took it a step further and spun then knitted something with one of my SAFF purchases. The "Black Watch" fiber made a lovely yarn, and I wanted to make a little something for myself with it. There wasn't much yardage (no, I didn't measure the yardage), so a scarf seemed like a suitable option--I don't wear hats, so those were out! Yarn Harlot has a nice, simple One Row Handspun Scarf pattern, and I decided to give it a try. The pattern worked well with this heavy worsted weight yarn.

My scarf is about 6 1/2 inches wide and 56 inches long. It is so snuggly! Unfortunately, just as I finished this thing up, the weather took a turn for the 70s! No need for a scarf just now, but I hope there will be some cold days to come before spring.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy 2008

There are no pictures to share, but on the knitting front, I have several projects going. I have started the second half of the Naughty/Nice scarf for my brother. This is an illusion knit scarf from Son of Stitch 'n Bitch--the naughty is that there is a naked lady pole dancing hidden within the scarf.

I'm also working on Harlot's one row scarf using some handspun fiber from my SAFF stash. The yarn turned out well if I do say so myself.

Finally, I've cast on for the Central Park Hoodie for daughter. I'm barely started with it, but it seems to be an interesting pattern.

Today is my first day back at work after a rather lengthy Christmas vacation. More detailed posting to come in the near future!