Happy Halloween!
Finally, I've had time to clean up my on line photo storage, take pictures of my haul from SAFF, and sit down to tell you all about my recent adventures.
We arrived at SAFF bright and early last Saturday morning with a plan of attack already mapped out! From the on line vendor listing, we knew Lewis from Little Barn was vendor number 1 and our first stop! Imagine my delight to see Silja sock yarn for $2.75 a skein! Twenty-two skeins later, I stopped! We also picked up some spinning fibers from Lewis.

After spending several minutes with Lewis, husband's wallet was noticeably lighter, and our loads were noticeably heavier. Being the gentleman he is, husband took our loot to the truck! Nothing else along the way really caught our eye until we rounded almost the first half of the arena upper level. I noticed a young woman wearing a shirt that said "X Marks the Scot." Cool, I thought. Scottish things are interesting. Little did I know that this particular Scot was my blog pal Shea! Fortunately, she recognized daughter from my description in an e-mail, and approached us. We had a nice chat and planned to meet again later.
A few minutes later, we found ourselves with Karen, the nice bunny breeder from whom we'd gotten our beloved Phoebe back in February. We chatted with Karen and told her how well Phoebe is doing and how much we love having her in our family. Karen told us about a little buck who needed a home. Upon seeing the cute little guy, we decided he had to join our family, too. We've named him Patrick, and he is a satin angora like Phoebe. Patrick was born three months after Phoebe, so they are pretty close in age. He is a red, and she is a chestnut.

I had the pleasure of meeting Linda from Grafton Fibers at SAFF. She's such a nice lady, and she had some of the most gorgeous Corriedale cross batts for sale! We ended up with 5 of them. The stuff is a dream to spin. Here are some of the batts we've not yet spun as well as one of the three spinning wheel baskets I got from another vendor.

Here is a sample of some yarn I spun from another of Linda's batts. It's the one on the right in this photo. The purple yarn is some that daughter spun. I can't remember who the vendor was. The colors in the photo are not nearly as vibrant as they are in person!

I found a very useful toy at SAFF! It's Katie-a-go-go, a portable tensioned lazy kate. I hesitated to buy this, but I am so glad that I did! It is really nice, and it's so portable, too. It fits well in my spinning back pack!
We spent most of our time at SAFF socializing. The spinners' circle was our favorite hang out spot, and we enjoyed seeing many of our friends from Peachtree Handspinners Guild. Here is a special young spinner who belongs to our family. Doesn't she look like she's having fun?

I wanted to share some photos with you last week, but thanks to Comcast....we won't go there. Here is a picture of "the lion" (our tom kitty, Mocha) lying down with "the lamb" (some roving husband was trying to spin).

Here is some pencil roving I spun. Husband was out of town a few weeks ago, and I decided to fire up the dye pot all by myself. This is a photo of the single on the bobbin of my Schacht. I needed a free bobbin at SAFF, so wound off the single and now can't find it. It has to be here somewhere. I need to ply it.

That's the SAFF report. On Sunday afternoon, I flew from Asheville to Orlando for business. That is a story unto itself, so I think I'll save it for another time. Let's just say it is great to be home. I missed my family, my wheel, and all of you!
Awww, nice bunnies! I like Patrick's color better in the pictures, but would allow that Phoebe's picture isn't doing her justice.
Hey!! Cool pics! I see you fell victim to the Silja yarn too!! Patrick looks like he's settling in... how's his foot doing? Molly's settled in just fine. I think I spent more time socializing this year at SAFF too!
Hope we can all get together soon!
What beautiful pictures! So that is your DD? She is darling, and does look like she is having the time of her life. The bunnies, rovings and skeins are awesome, too! I am so glad you had a great time.
What a great post! I loved all the yarn pictures and bunnies and spinners. Hmm...must find a festival to go to....
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