Never Say Never
I am sitting here chuckling, because husband who just could not see why people would want to recycle yarn from thrift store sweaters is busily unraveling a 100% cashmere sweater salvaged from Goodwill! At $4.50 each, I guess it's quite a bargain. He was beside himself with joy when he found a gorgeous mens size XL in charcoal grey. The sweater was much too large for him to wear, but perhaps he can make something equally nice with the salvaged yarn.
I had a great Goodwill find myself--a 100% Icelandic Wool sweater in almost perfect condition! This sweater is not destined for the "recycle" pile but is going to make a nice addition to my wardrobe. Again, at $4.50, how could I pass it up!! The sweater is clean looking with no stains at all, no snags, only a couple of pills, and it has all its buttons. I've been wanting a Dale of Norway sweater for a while now, and this looks close enough to one to me!

Here is a photo of the first Little Shells sock. One down, one to go. The fit is perfect on daughter.

I've made good progress on the Fluted Banister sock, too. I am actually liking this pattern a lot more than when I started it yesterday. It knits up quickly and looks nice.
Husband got the Woolee Winder going on my wheel last night. It works great! He spun a bit, but I haven't had a chance yet to try it out. Maybe tonight I will. I am going to spin some natural colored pencil roving and then handpaint the resulting yarn. At least that's the plan right now!
Donna--your socks look great! I was thinking of doing those for the kal and still need to do some stash diving to see what is what. Now that I see yours, I think those are a must!
Amanda (knitchic)
Yay! You got the Spinning Wheel stuff figured out!
The knitting looks great!
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