Did Someone Let the Cats Out of the Bag?
Our fiber mad cats are at it again! Today, husband and daughter went over to visit a friend (another wonderful fiber fantaic) and picked some fleece. Take a look at what Mocha and Socks think of the bag of clean fleece. Here's Mocha curled up in the bag with Socks pondering how she can get him out and get into the bag herself.

Daughter didn't have school today and won't tomorrow either. This is parent-teacher conference week, so the kids get some time off. We had our conference today, and it went very well. Daughter has 3 A's and 2 B's. We are very proud of her. She's working really hard in school this year. Her school is very academically challenging, and sixth grade is definitely not a walk in the park. Report cards will come out in December, and if things continue as they are, it looks like daughter will find herself on honor roll! *proud mom moment*
There is definitely a hint of fall in the air. I baked an apple crisp for dessert tonight, and the apples and cinnamon sure have the house smelling good. Apples and cinnamon just remind me so much of fall. If the weather continues to be cool as I hope it will, I'll have to make a stew this weekend.
Want to hear a funny story? Husband was grooming Patrick bunny tonight and was holding Patrick in his lap. Well, poor Patrick obviously didn't like that too much. He peed all over husband! I guess that bunny showed husband who is boss!
My outside cats (Wendell, Cowley, JacK and Sam) thought that I had brought home the SAFF fleeces just for them! I dried most of them outside on a huge sheet tied between the banisters on the porch (and nailed to two chairs) and the cats kept trying to figure out how to get in the middle of it all! Pandora was more interested in the skirted bits!
I've never had one of my bunnies pee on me, but I'm sure it was an unpleasant venture! I hope Patrick's doing better now that he's had a chance to settle in!
My cat Trevor just wants to play with whatever moves. Aslan, however, is a fiber snob. His favorite is mohair. He looooooooves mohair. But silk sliver is a favorite as well, and unspun fibers (only the high quality stuff) get nuzzled fully when he's not supervised. He also drools a lot when he's happy, so I have a serious fear that he will paw-felt something by drooling and kneading it at the same time...
Wow! I've never seen a bag of fleece that big! Your kitties in the fleece are soo cute! My kitty, Asha, always comes over to sniff my wool when I'm spinning.
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