Socks, Socks
I finished the Opal Brazil socks last night. I think they turned out very well. These were supposed to be my socks, but the fit isn't quite right. I did a 6 point star toe, and they feel too tight for my wide foot. Fortunately, there is a young lady in the house who will likely take these off my feet! Here's a picture of Socks with the socks:

I wasn't all that impressed with the Opal while making these socks. The yarn seemed very stiff. They are so soft now that they've been washed.
Now that the socks are done, I'll get back onto Cozy and set a Thanksgiving finish date for her. I also feel like I need some new socks, so there is some Socklandscape from Knitpicks waiting to be cast on. I'm thinking about this pattern.
I have had a few comments and e-mails so let me address those!
The felted hat: No, it has not yet been felted. I've been too busy to do that, but soon!
The PDA: My Tungsten E2 is doing just fine. I don't need the latest greatest, so it makes no difference to me if a new one came out. Besides, I don't do "waiting" very well. I want things NOW!
Carolyn: I got your e-mail. I promise to write back soon. Don't worry; I'm fine! ((Carolyn))
We're heading to the beach this weekend. It's the first time I've been since June. We have an outlet mall shopping trip in mind, too, and I'm looking forward to that.
I start a 3 week work vacation on Monday. It's been a hell of a year at work--no other way to put it--and I'm exhausted. My boss saw that and told me something has to give for my own well being. The company is giving me one week "free;" I'll take one week and three days from my time off bank; and two days are Thanksgiving holidays. I'm not one to let go, particularly when it comes to work, but I know that things are going to be in good hands in my absence. Hopefully, I'll be a happier and more productive person after my break! My boss requested husband's phone number so she can call and make sure I'm not sneaking work! (Remember, I'm regionally based and work from home.) I promise to be a good girl!
Three weeks! How wonderful! Enjoy your time off. You certainly deserve it.
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