Accidents Happen!
I had a little accident today, but nothing to worry about. Husband is still shaking his head over it wondering how this could happen to anyone. I accidntally won this on e-bay:

Isn't it pretty!! It's a romney and mohair blend. I saw another lot of this roving on e-bay last week, but I forgot to bid on it. I wasn't about to let that happen this time, so I put in the minimum bid, and I won. Yay for me. I can't wait to get this! I sent payment immediately, so hopefully I'll receive the package before Thanksgiving.
Hello I came across your blog by accident. Well I have never know anybody who can knit.I'm 16 m who is really into life and I clicked on that knitting magazine/catalog link on the Nov 17 post. I saw an orange beanie that I thought was cool and I wanted to know if you could knit one and how much would you charge? Same color Orange. I live in West Texas (EL Paso) you can reach me at A responese would be greatly apreciated
Thank you in Advance
Happy E-Bay accident! (and look, commission work from your blog ;) Triple the cost of the yarn plus hours...)
Don't you just love those kind of accidents ;D
I love the colour combination. Any plans for the finished product?
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