Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Did You Check the Gauge?

I've been happily knitting along on daughter's tank and announced a couple of nights ago that I was about to start the arm hole decreases on the back. "Great," husband says. "So how's your gauge?" Gauge, what freaking gauge? I don't need no stinkin' gauge. In lieu of checking the gauge, I decided to measure the width of the back. Hmmm...17 inches. Multiply that by 2 and you get 34 inches. This thing is supposed to be 36 inches finished. Uh oh. I guess I did need a stinkin' gauge swatch. Ribbit, ribbit (that's frogging) and rewind. It wasn't too hard to find the appropriate needle size to give me the appropriate gauge--thank heavens for those Plymouth interchangeable needles! I'm once again happily knitting along and am just 3 inches shy of where I start the arm hole decreases. My gauge is smack on, too, so this tank should fit just fine.

Chicks were due to hatch yesterday, but nothing so far. I'm a bit concerned that there won't be chicks (I know I never wanted them in the first place, but even more so I don't want a devestated child.). We're going to give them until the end of the week in the incubator and see what happens. The reading husband has been doing indicates that if they go a full four weeks without hatching, they likely never will hatch. We're not sure what went wrong. The eggs seemed to be doing just fine early on--saw movement inside that appeared to be a heart beat, saw veins in the eggs, etc.

I'm really sorry to say that we've found what could well be "the dream home." It's a big house, just the right amount of land (almost 3 acres), close in to town, and get has TWO kitchens. One is a full kitchen, and the other has a 4 burner stove and micro fridge. Can you say "Dye Kitchen"? We're not quite ready to put a bid on a place yet, so we're crossing our fingers and toes and any other crossable body parts that no one else will be attracted to this house until we are fully ready to put in an offer. That could be just a few months. My attitude (or at least the one I'm trying to maintain) is that if it's meant to be, it will be. That Dye Kitchen has to be a sign, right??


Blogger Carolyn said...

Sometimes, even WHEN I swatch, I end up doing the same thing. I guess I am going to have to learn BIG swatch, as somehow I seem to mess up when I only do a 4x4.
Hmm... dye kitchen again - I am picking up a recurring theme. I hope it all works out for you.

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the chicks haven't hatched... usually first time hatching failures have to do with humidity and turning... I grew up with an old fashioned incubator that we had to manually turn several times a day... luckily now I have an automatic one... but my hatch rates were better in the old one. Go figure... I think it's a humidity factor now for us.

Great news about the house... that's enough land for a sheep or two (or three...)! Hope it all works out.

BTW... We're still debating on selling any of our fleece... this is the first year with adult fleece for our whole flock (except Catriona) and so we're feeling possessive!

1:40 PM  
Blogger MiniLaura said...

lovely blog Donna! You picked the same template that I did. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that it just isn't worth it to learn html!

5:55 PM  

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