Yarn and Needle Snobs, Go Elsewhere!
I'm a self-proclaimed yarn and needle snob, so some of the material in today's post pains me! Let's start with the....I shudder to say this...acrylic yarn!
I give you Hallowig. I'm working it in Caron Simply Soft Brights in a lime color. I don't plan to switch from natural fibers any time soon, but this stuff isn't all that bad for recycled soda bottles. I actually like the colors, and the texture is soft as opposed to some acrylics. If I finish this project in time, it will be part of daughter's Halloween costume for the school Halloween parade. Please note that I am using good needles on this project--nice Inox straights.

As an attempt to redeem myself, take a look at this hat in progress. No, we are not a family with extraordinarily large heads; this is the pre-felted hat, or at least the brim of it!

The yarn is Cascade Pastaza (50/50 llama and wool) in an amethyst color. I'm using Fibertrends pattern AC-02 which is quite similar to this pattern. I got the yarn and pattern locally at Knit Together. (It feels so good to be able to buy decent things locally!)
Note the needles in the hat. Can you see them? They are from the Boye Needlemaster set I bought a few months ago. This is the first time I've used them, and I'm surprised that they are not half bad. They are not Addi by any stretch of the imagination, but they are WORLDS better than the plastic Denise needles, I think. I went for my Plymouth bamboo interchangeable set first (my absolute favorite needles) but alas, it stops at size 10 and I needed 10.5 for this project. That was excuse enough to crack the Boyes out of their plastic wrapping. I'm pleased with them and also pleased to know that this wasn't money down the drain.
Oh, for anyone who was wondering, we do have water once again. The well guy made it over about 8 AM yesterday. Husband has been forbidden from ever touching the electrical wiring on the pump again, particularly on the weekends when repair men are not available. :)
From the time I was 3 til... well... now we've had a well. In my younger years we were totally dependant on the well but now we have both well and "city" water. We've been through the misery of the well freezing (which required bringing buckets of water from the neighbor's house so that we could water the animals) and the joys of "de-waterlogging" although with the new reservoir that's a thing of the past! I love our well water it tastes so good! But I can empathize with you on the occasional annoyance at the lack of water (which is why we now have both).
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