Order in the Court
Jury duty wasn't so bad. I was dismissed for the day at noon, because my number didn't get called for the jury panel. I'll have to phone in each evening to hear a recorded message telling me if I have to come back or not. That's not so bad, but I really hope they don't call me for Friday! We want to go to the beach this weekend, and being tied up in jury until 5:30 wouldn't be the best.
Daughter and I re-arranged her room this weekend and got her new bedding. The room looks much brighter with the new stuff. We still need to make a valance for the window and do some decorating. Here's what the bedding looks like. It's more periwinkle blue in person and less purple than the photo shows.

Daughter's bed belonged to my paternal great grandmother and was my bed when I was a teenager. My dad painted it gold; it's an old iron bed with wooden slats that hold up the mattress and box springs. The bed could use painting again (Daddy painted it when I was 16 way back in 1981!) but daughter refuses to allow that. I think she's a bit sentimental about the bed seeing as how my great grand and Daddy have both passed away. As long as she's happy with the bed, it's fine by me. We have one piece of furniture to retrieve from storage to make this room complete--a small bed side table that Daddy made when he was in high school. It was part of my room when I was a kid, so it only seems fitting that it goes on to the next generation.
Husband Kool Aid dyed some really...ummm....bad looking roving a while back and had intended it for felting. Check out how bad roving carded together looks once spun:

Is that not gorgeous?? It's almost Noro-ish.
Speaking of Noro, I'm using it for the first time. This is my version of the Knitty pattern Wavy:

This is one skein of color 134. It is 2 and 1/3 pattern repeats. I am loving both the pattern and the yarn!
Noro is a wonderful yarn. I'm glad you got you some. And the handspun looks marvelous - Good thing it didn't end up as felt. Keeping my fingers crossed you don't have to do the jury thing.
One year, I got called for county jury one month, the next month got called for state jury, but didn't have to sit on any cases either time.
Your yarn is splendiferous, Donna! I wish I had somewhere to dye - I have 2 pounds of tussah roving that I'm dyeing to dye, but there's no place in my postage-stamp of a house to do so. Someday. Enjoy your beautious yarn!
Ooho, that yarn is so gorgeous..I just ahev to leanr to spin!
Ooh, is Noro nice? I've never used it before, either..Is it worth the price?
Oh so purdy! I love the way yours is turning out, the colour doesn't take away from the interesting pattern at all and in fact adds to it! Great job, now I'm inspired to make one out of Noro too!
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