July Already?
How'd that happen? Where did June go? I can't believe that today is the first day of July. The temperature here certainly should be proof enough.
There will be no knitting content to speak of today, but I do have pictures. First, take a look at the grape vine in our back yard.

We hope to have a small harvest of grapes this year. The vine has not been pruned in a few years, but it is still producing some grapes.
Here's a shot of some of the blue berry bushes.

We have a huge patch of bushes, and they are just loaded down. The birds are also enjoying them quite a bit. We found "evidence" of the deer in the backyard (poop) and it would seem she's been enjoying blue berries as well!!
Everything isn't beautiful and good at the new house. Here's what our garage looked like last night.

Scary, huh? Even scarier is the fact that there is now even more crapola in there that we have to go through. I believe we have the majority of our stuff out of the inside of the old house. Now, for the basement. *sigh*
There's something wonderful at our old house. We have a large tea olive on the corner of the house, and earlier in the week I'd noticed a male cardinal sitting in it. Today, husband confirmed my suspicions by spotting the nest and the baby cardinals in the tree. Mom and Dad Bird were busily feeding their young. It was so nice to see this little family.
We have some interesting birds in our new yard, too, and we are looking forward to encouraging them to stay by planting some more bird friendly shrubbery, adding blue bird boxes, and putting in feeders. I'll also get a new bird bath so that they'll have water.
Daughter and I picked up our glazed pottery pieces today from the class we recently completed. I was surprised that the stuff turned out to look not half bad once glazed. Daughter and husband will be starting another pottery wheel work class week after next with a new teacher at the art institute. I think they'll have a great time.
Happy Canada Day to my friends to the north, and a happy Independence Day to those of you here in the US!
The wildlife is a nice bonus to you wonderful new house. Enjoy!
Nice blueberries!
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