EEK! A Mouse!
I found this pattern for a felted catnip mouse and thought it might be fun to make. Besides the fun for me, my cats will LOVE having a new toy. I think the project took about an hour to knit and just a few minutes to felt. I felted it by hand in the kitchen sink--just filled the sink with warm water, added a little Dawn dish liquid, and squished and squeezed the mouse until I was pleased with the felting. Here is how my mouse turned out:

Remember the yarn I spun this weekend? Here are the pictures. This yarn is from the pencil roving I dyed a few weeks ago.

I opted to buy a poodle skirt for daughter instead of taking on another project and sewing it myself. The cost was going to be about the same either way. We stopped in at Lost in the 50s yesterday and got a great black poodle skirt with a pink poodle on it. The skirt is adorable! I think we'll go back today and get the saddle oxfords, too.
Amie, AKA RoseByAny, has started a spinning blog web ring! I'm on the waiting list, but it'll be Sunday before tech support (husband!) will be home to help me get the code loaded to my blog. I seem to mess it up every time I try. Here's one of the neat buttons Amie made for us to use.

We girls are on our own for the weekend. We have lots of fun girl things planned. We might also dye some of those "cheeses" that are sitting so temptingly by the fireplace. I'd like to do some spinning this weekend, and of course some knitting. We also have a copy of Aladdin (first time on DVD!) that will need to be watched. We miss Daddy/Husband when he's not around, but we do enjoy our girl time, too!
Beautiful dye work and your spinning is awesome.
Great read too.
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