Bo Bice is My American Idol
We've been watching American Idol all season. It's the first time we've ever watched, and it has been interesting to say the least. I think the audition shows were the best--seeing all the crazies who are under the misguided impression that they have talent.
Bo and Carrie were my favorites since almost the beginning. However, I don't think Carrie really got any better throughout the entire time the show was on. She was actually pretty inconsistent from week to week both in her vocals and her comfort on stage. It was a bit of a surprise when Vonzelle (someone I've just NOT been able to like at all) was voted off instead of Carrie. Even though I hate the music she sang and couldn't warm up to her as a person, Vonzelle was the more talented yet Carrie stayed.
Bo has more talent in his little finger than any of the other singers on the show. Of course, I happen to be a fan of Southern Rock and Bo is a great rocker. I feel certain he has a recording contract already, so he didn't really need that from Idol. I'm anxiously waiting for his first CD to come out. Just before the winner was announced last night, I commented that win or lose, Bo had his piece of heaven by singing Sweet Home Alabama with Lynyrd Skynyrd. Talk about a dream come true for the guy! He was awesome, too.
Since this is a knitting blog, I guess I'd better talk a bit of knitting. Still working on the tank! I'm about half done with the back and hopefully will get that finished off tonight. I worked up to the bottom of the armholes in the round and have now switched to flat knitting. If this tank looks good finished, I'll re-write the patter for knitting totally in the round--or attempt to do so! I was a little intimidated with the arm hole shaping so didn't try that this time around.
We're heading to the beach tomorrow afternoon for the long weekend. I can't wait. I need some R and R!